Brett Stevens is the Senior Operations Shift Manager at SKYCITY Adelaide Casino. The majority of his career has been in the casino industry, and has held his current role for 10 months.
What does your current role entail?
All aspects of gaming operations pertaining to tables and gaming machines. Responsibilities include all staff associated with these departments, customer service delivery, gaming compliance and integrity, monitoring financial performance, and liaising with other departments as required.
What do you enjoy most about your current role?
Something of a cliché but definitely the people, and watching their development. Also, the many and varied tasks that come across my desk which ensures my own constant learning and development.
What challenges do you face in your role? What do you think people should know before they apply for a job like this?
Keeping pace (or hopefully being at the forefront) of a continually evolving business. Managing outcomes in all areas to hopefully achieve a win/win scenario regardless of the scenario. Having time to listen which is often harder than it sounds. Anyone thinking of this position must maintain an open mind, have firm umpiring skills, be patient and on many occasions think outside the box. Also being highly organised is a definite prerequisite which is something I am still learning....
What qualifications do you have? Are they required for your role?
I started two degrees, neither of which I finished; at this stage I discovered I wasn’t really an academic. If you had to distil the key attribute for this role, it would be that you have to be an effective communicator.
Your career experience prior to SKYCITY:
The majority of my working career has been in the Casino industry, both here and in other locations. I have worked a variety of jobs including labourer, the traditional McDonald’s tour of duty, and dish washer during my Tertiary days, which provided sufficient motivation to do none of the above in the future.
What do you enjoy about working at SKYCITY?
Each day presents new challenges which will always occur in an operation as large and diverse as SKYCITY. Also the chance to contribute across so many areas of the business.
Which of SKYCITY’s employee benefit(s) do you enjoy most?
It is easy to take for granted but when you add up the cost of meals, dry cleaning etc. that are provided, it is definitely a positive combination. Good Friday would be the highlight however.
What makes SKYCITY different to other places you’ve worked at?
I believe, and this is hard to achieve in any large organisation, that SKYCITY has genuine care for its employees. While it can appear sometimes that staff are a “number”, I constantly see managers going the extra yard to assist staff in both work and non-work related matters which is often above and beyond, and it’s always heartening to see.
For job seekers considering joining SKYCITY, is there anything you think they need to be aware of?
Remember it’s an entertainment business, have fun doing what you’re doing!