Left to Right: Rick Will, Luke Walker (GM), Meg Rosevear, Josh Stokes, Robyn O'Brien
Congratulations to our latest Quest for the Best winners at SKYCITY Adelaide Casino!
Leadership: Rick Will, Surveillance
Play Fair: Meg Rosevear, Gaming Operations
Play Fair: Josh Stokes, Information Services
Play Safe: Robyn O'Brien, Surveillance
Thanks to all winners for playing your parts!
If you'd like to join the Adelaide team, go to our website here!
About the Quest for the Best awards:
The Quest for the Best awards are about recognising star quality at SKYCITY. The people who live our values and consistently achieves outstanding customer service levels, whether it's for SKYCITY customers or colleagues.
Individual award - for any permanent full-time, part-time or casual employee.
Leadership award - for those who supervise or manage two or more people.
Team award - for any team comprising of two or more people.
Greet - welcome people with a smile
Listen - be present and connect with the customer Act - make the solution easy Thank - thank the customer for the interaction WOW - go above and beyond.