Recently Celeste won a Quest for the Best award at SKYCITY Hamilton. This award recognises employees who exceed our values and are an all round amazing employee. Well done Celeste! We sat down with her after her win to find out about her role and journey at SKYCITY
How long have you been at SKYCITY?
I started at SKYCITY in April 2016 as a Table Games Dealer. I got the opportunity to become one of the two full time Premier Hosts in January 2017.
What does your role entail?
As a Premier Host, I am one of the first point of contacts for our customers. I am a welcoming face that will help and assist where and when I can. I support all departments in relaying the appropriate information to our fantastic customers.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
I love my customers, they are funny, friendly and all around amazing. We have a multi-culture customer base. They come in to Hamilton and SKYCITY from all over Waikato, New Zealand and the world. They come in for the entertainment on offer and for the socializing with each other.
What sort of challenges do you encounter within your role?
As I am based at the Premier Rewards station I deal with the positive and sometimes negative or unhappy experiences that our customers have. Having a multi-culture customer base, the language barriers and cultural differences can be difficult at times.
What do you enjoy most about working at SKYCITY?
I love my job and co-workers! It's incredible how there is no judgement, everyone is accepted for who they are regardless of race, sexuality and personal lifestyles. I have an amazing management team that is so supportive in all aspects of my current position and future possibilities. I genuinely enjoy my work life here at Hamilton.
What advice would you give to anyone considering joining your team or applying for a job at SKYCITY?
If you work hard, respect everyone and do your best, you will thrive. Be yourself, supportive, honest and kind. SKYCITY is a fantastic company to work for. You will be part of a team that regularly will show their appreciation through employee of them month and quarterly Quest for The Best programs for your hard work. Good Luck, you got this!!!
What SKYCITY employee benefits do you enjoy the most?
Parking is expensive so the $2 a day is budget friendly. I also get sick of cooking, so the $2 staff lunch/dinners are welcomed and happily chomped.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I am a married mom of 3 boys, 4, 8 and 9 years old. I spend my days off catching up with friends over playdates with the littles. Every Tuesday is family dinner where you will find my co-workers eating at my table and cuddled on my couch watching a movie. My 3 busy boys love our monthly pizza and bowling nights. When they complete their weekly chores, you can find us on a Friday night at Eat Burger for spiders and shakes. My co-workers have become part of my family.
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