Over the last month, we’ve been helping Auckland Council with their project to ensure hundreds of precious free-range eggs are making their way safely to those that need them most. We’ve saved more than 600 egg trays and boxes from our kitchens to see them used by Auckland Council to ensure the safe carriage of free-range eggs from Great Barrier Island to Auckland City Mission.
Executive Chef - Main Site, Fiona Ruane, is particularly passionate about sustainability and looks for all opportunities to see items re-used, and is pleased SKYCITY can put the boxes and egg trays to a good, practical use.
Fiona says “We are delighted to assist Auckland Council and become part of their Environmental Heroes Group, it highlights to our team what we can do with our waste and the impact it can have on the environment. We are really happy that the eggs now have a safe trip from the island to Auckland City Mission and those in need can enjoy fresh free-range eggs”.
Read more here: http://bit.ly/2y9zjkp