Meet Mika, two years ago he started with us as Customer Service Attendant in our Casino. Throughout time and by showing initiative, he showcased his talents in all things and is now a quad-role employee; Premier Rewards Attendant, VIP Concierge, Promotions MC and a Digital Content Assistant! We’ll let Mika tell you his story on how this came about and how he finds working in different roles...
Current roles and length of time in those roles:
Time flies! October marks my two years in the casino. I started as a customer service attendant for Premier Rewards. By January 2018 I took additional duties as a promotions MC and in December 2018 I was trained as a VIP Concierge. Most recently, in February 2019, I assumed a role in marketing as a Digital Content Assistant, pursuing my passion of filmmaking. On the whole I am not one, not dual, but a quad-role employee.
What does your current role entail?
Premier Rewards attendants sign customers up into the loyalty program and show them the ropes of the casino. My tasks also include assisting call centre with phone calls, lost property maintenance, and customer database upkeep. As a VIP concierge, I serve and maintain professional relationships with high-value customers (remembering names to faces is vital), supporting cloak room maintenance, gift giveaways, and following legal compliance in VIP access. As an MC, I commentated virtual horse races, car races, hosting large sum draws, senior day draws, and a few bingo games. As a Digital Content Assistant, I have the luxury to film live events (most recently a Vogue and GQ event), direct narrative content (recently making a short film about our Battle of the Bands winner Ruskus) and animating promotional material for social media.
What do you enjoy most about your current role?
I find the variety of jobs I perform exciting, because my roster is different every week. Working dual-roles is an excellent opportunity to broaden your experience and see how the business operates from different angles. It has enhanced my previous roles and ushered in a responsibility to communicate between departments. Besides that, my favourite aspect of being a rewards attendant is recruiting customers into the program by wandering the floor. As soon as a customer sees a free $10 bet in the air, they suddenly phone their friends to the casino — that is when you know you have done your job well. Likewise, I love filming events, meeting clients and seeing their approval upon sharing the content on social media, watching the Facebook ‘likes’ rise is a satisfying event.
What challenges do you face in your role? What do you think people should know before they apply for a job like this?
With Premier Rewards, it is important to strike the balance between government compliance and customer service. As a loyalty program, the customer may not always be right, but we always want to make them happy. In my marketing role, I am challenged by time mostly. I may film hours of footage, but ultimately the movies will be between 10 seconds and 5 minutes. Otherwise, I am grateful for the creative freedom my managers give me when it comes to developing a film.
What qualifications do you have? Are they required for your role?
I graduated into a Bachelor of Creative Arts in 2018, which gave me confidence more than anything to pursue the work I have in marketing. For my MC position, having done acting classes, hosting an amateur radio program and work experience at 891 ABC radio certainly helped me develop skills for the job.
Which of SkyCity’s employee benefit(s) do you enjoy most?
Having my own personal locker to store belongings, a comfy lounge, and a constantly surprising menu of food at Pit Stop are some of the things that are too easy to take for granted, but elevate my joy to go to work everyday.
What makes SkyCity different to other places you’ve worked?
Compared with other casual work I have had before, SkyCity honours their employees with so many benefits. The intermingling of back-of-house and front-of-house staff make it feel like a (huge) family business at times. I admire SkyCity’s carbon neutral objectives and I love working amidst the heritage architecture of Adelaide Casino. Exploring the many nooks and crannies and imagining which room was used for what back when the casino opened fascinates me.
Thank you for sharing your story Mika! If this inspired you to join our team at SkyCity Adelaide, then head to our website to view our current opportunities.