We’re gearing up to open our doors at SkyCity Auckland this week, but we’re sharing a couple more ‘lockdown stories’ of our staff. This time, we catch up with Anthony, our Group Sustainability Manager.
How is your lockdown going?
Lockdown is okay, I think like everyone else I am a little over it, but it has been a good opportunity to set some good routines and get into some good habits. I’ve been concentrating on my whare tapa whā (house of wellbeing) and ngā taha e whā (four pillars of wellbeing), my taha wairua (spiritual wellbeing), my taha hinengaro (mental and emotional wellbeing), my taha tinana (physical) and my taha whānau (family and social), and improving my health in all four areas.
What activities have you been doing in lockdown?
I have been exercising almost every day - bike riding, walks with my partner and exercise classes at my friends gym (yes outdoors 😊). I have been cooking a lot of healthy meals as well and I have been able to really concentrating on my Te Reo Māori studies.
Board meetings and the National Iwi Chairs Forum also keep me well occupied with more mahi to do but I am really enjoying the challenges we are being presented with and working through those.
How are you maintaining positive wellbeing this lockdown?
I wake up every morning and have a cold shower and a good breakfast. I take a break in the day to go for a walk, run or a bike ride, and have been taking micro breaks away from my screen. I’m drinking at least 2.5L of water per day, ensuring I give my friends and family a call every other day and spend quality time with my partner whether it's walks or watching a Netflix series. The big one is that I’ve set timers on all social media that switch them off and lock them, so I am not glued to the screens all day!
What are you looking forward to doing once we’re out of Level 3?
I’m really looking forward to travelling to see my family and friends outside of Auckland and just general face to face connection. I’m also looking forward to heading back to SkyCity and in the office to see my SkyCity whānau again.