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Lockdown story - Christine

We’ve been catching up with some of our employees in a series called “Life in Lockdown”. This time, we caught up with Christine Hackshaw. Her role is to manage our Connect team and together they provide a range of support to our employees to ensure good health and wellbeing. Keep on reading below for our Q&A…

How is your lockdown going?

Lockdown is fine, I can’t change anything, so I just get on with it. Keeping a good structure in the day helps to keep a rhythm of working, which hopefully means it won’t be too much of a shock when I get back.

What activities have you been doing in lockdown with your family/bubble?

My husband and I get up at 5.45am most mornings to go for a walk usually about 6-7km - we do about 12-14 km on a Saturday. The air is clear, its peaceful and we quite often come across a couple of Eastern Rosella birds! I dabble (take part in a casual or superficial way) with baking and one of my fav’s is Maple and Ginger cheesecake tarts – SO GOOD! Let me know if you would like the recipe😊

How are you maintaining positive wellbeing this lockdown?

Walking is good, but music is also great! I listen to this when I can, fairly loud which is so good - old tunes have miraculously appeared on my playlist like Drivers seat by Sniff ‘n’ The Tears, Hey Joe by Jimi Hendrix, Spanish Stroll by Mink DeVille, Paradise by the Dashboard Light by Meatloaf….Jeez showing my age but makes me get up and sing and dance LOL!

What are you looking forward to doing once we’re out of Level 3?

In no particular order but the first I’d like to do is catch up with my younger son in Wellington; then catching up with family and friends in Auckland. Shopping and getting ready for Christmas, having a yarn to people face to face (I miss this!) and riding my Bella Donna scooter in the summer *Picture it… Jackie Onassis sunglasses on, light summer dress, sun on my face, hair blowing in the wind, and singing ‘Drivers seat’ loud and tooting the horn!*


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