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Lockdown story - Shonan

We’ve been catching up with some of our employees in a series called “Life in Lockdown”. This time, we asked Shonan (Procurement Specialist) a few questions…

What activities have you been doing in lockdown with your family/bubble?

It’s been a very Dr. Doolittle kind of lockdown at ours this time around - our neighbours cat who adopted us realised we’ve been home through the day and comes over to play on sunny days keeping us entertained. The dog does the same some days and I’ve found it very therapeutic. We’ve also been getting quite artsy and used some fabric paint to revamp a vintage denim jacket, our latest piece of work turned out quite alright, I think! 😊 All I need now is a Harley & moving out of Level 3!

How are you maintaining positive wellbeing this lockdown?

“Be where your feet are” – a big learning I’ve taken from this lockdown is not to worry about what’s next; to be content with what you have and enjoy being present and in the moment. It’s helped me make the best of this time without thinking too much ahead especially about the things that we are not able to control. Jason Mraz sums it up really well in his song with the same title which also happens to be my go-to tune at the minute. Having an attitude of gratitude, staying connected with friends, regular team check in’s and prayer helps me maintain my well-being for myself and my loved ones.

What are you looking forward to doing once we’re out of Level 3?

Being the foodie that I am, I can’t wait to be able to dine out at my favourite restaurants again with my family and my peeps at work and have a mighty old giggle! I do miss telling my team at work my “dad jokes” and “knock knock” jokes which I’m sure they miss too (not) – I’m looking forward to seeing them and sharing some new jokes I’ve learnt.


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