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Meet Alistair Cook, Digital Learning Consultant from our Learning & Development team

Meet Alistair Cook, Digital Learning Consultant from our Learning & Development team.

How long have you been at SkyCity?

I have been at SkyCity for a few weeks.

What was your role prior to working at SkyCity?

Prior to SkyCity I was a Learning Experience Designer at Auckland Transport, where I worked as part of a strategic capability squad that delivered digital and blended learning solutions across the business. Some of the recent projects I’ve covered include everything from CCTV policy and procedures to Effective Governance, Totally Mobility assessment training and reducing deaths and serious injuries on the road.

What excites you about working at SkyCity?

From the diversity of work I have seen going on within the organisation, I am excited about the opportunity to be involved in a wide range of learning and development projects and working with a whole new bunch of great people. I am looking forward to increasing capability within the digital learning space, optimising the Cornerstone platform and lifting the quality and consistency of learning to better reflect the premium SkyCity brand. Upcoming projects include working with the Table Games training department to add value to their digital learning resources and creating some engaging e-learning content for the updated Anti Money Laundering programme.

What do you enjoy the most about your new role?

I have enjoyed meeting future stakeholders and colleagues across the organisation - the fact that SkyCity is in the hospitality business really comes across in everyone’s warmth and passion.

How do you manage your wellbeing and achieve work/life balance?

I am a big fan of the various wellbeing apps you can get on your phone (I use Calm but there are heaps of others to choose from). If you can find just ten minutes to listen to one of their daily reflections it is a great way to inject some positive energy into your day.


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