Meet Denise, she’s recently joined our Connect team as our Employee Support Advisor at SkyCity Auckland. As part of our Connect team, her role will be to provide support and guidance to employees who may experience issues at home and/or at work. Being an experienced mental health nurse, we’re really fortunate to have Denise as part of our employee support service team. Read below as we ask her how she’s finding her new role and working at SkyCity.
What are you enjoying the most about your role and working at SkyCity?
The world of SkyCity as a corporate business is completely new to me – I enjoy the ambience and the energy that surrounds the business and the people within it. I love that everyone has been so friendly and welcoming and that my role as employee support advisor puts me in a position of trust to continue building my relationship with the people that are the core of SkyCity.
What have you found at SkyCity that makes it different from other workplaces?
SkyCity was the first corporate firm that I heard of that had an internal employee support service – which really warmed my heart as there really is a need for it in today’s world. I have a lot of respect for SkyCity for reaching out and looking after their people and I hope I can add to that even further with my training and background being in mental health.
What was your role prior to joining SkyCity?
I have been working as a senior registered mental health nurse for close to 10 years – I have worked with adults through to kids and have worked in settings within the hospital where cases were more of the severe end and in the community supporting people to return to their everyday lives and thrive in it.
How do you manage your Wellbeing and work/life balance?
Especially coming from my background, I definitely believe it is vital we look after our own mental and physical health – I love exercising, spending time with animals and my near and dear ones that make me laugh.
To get that work/life balance I stay as disciplined as I can with my work times and keep to schedule – which then gives me the time to do things that can nourish the soul, i.e. spend time with my family and friends.