Ciara and Raewynne recently joined SkyCity in our Community Trusts team. Each of them brings a unique set of skills and life experience to their respective roles and together they will be focusing on how our community trusts in Auckland, Hamilton and Queenstown are best able to support the communities we operate in.
Raewynne’s most recent role was with the EECA (Energy, Efficiency and Conservation Authority) sourcing funding for a public private partnership to make homes warmer and healthier for those on low incomes, and Ciara’s working background is in Retail and Hospitality while she was studying at university.
Raewynne has been enjoying her work and says, “there is such a great vibe at SkyCity – the staff are so friendly and willing to support and guide you even when the questions I ask are pretty random. I am looking after the Community Trusts, a great opportunity to engage with both staff and members of the community”.
Ciara is excited about the opportunity to contribute to the work that the SkyCity Community Trusts do in our communities. “I enjoy a role in which I work closely with others to achieve a common goal!”, she says.
Wellbeing is important to both Raewynne and Ciara and they shared some key things they do to maintain positive work/life balance:
Raewynne: I have a lovely big whānau as well as a great group of friends. I enjoy socializing as well as sometimes just hanging out with my knitting needles and the cat – my 2 daughters have left home. I enjoy walking with my girlfriends which generally ends at a café and I try to leave work at work, even when my laptop is in my bag.
Ciara: I do a few things for my wellbeing. One way I manage balance is by writing to-do lists and keeping a record of my commitments in a diary. The other is through sport and as a keen hockey player, I enjoy getting out on a sports field and getting to see my friends. It’s a great way for me to relax and stay active outside of my work commitments.
We’re excited about the work that Raewynne and Ciara will be doing to support our communities!